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Criteria:Roller Coasters
Status = Operated
Found:5851 (Page 154 of 244)
Sorted By:Amusement Park
Roller CoasterAmusement ParkTypeDesignStatusOpened
 Jack RabbitPalace PlaylandWoodSit Down-
Jumbo JetPalace PlaylandSteelSit DownRelocated
 City JetPalace PlaylandSteelSit Down-
 unknownPali River Scenic AreaSteelSit Down-
 Figure 8Palisades Amusement ParkWoodSit Down-
 Lake Placid BobsledPalisades Amusement ParkWoodBobsled-
 SkyrocketPalisades Amusement ParkWoodSit Down-
 Toboggan RacerPalisades Amusement ParkWoodSit Down-
 Big Scenic RailwayPalisades Amusement ParkWoodSit Down-
 CometPalisades Amusement ParkWoodSit Down-
 CyclonePalisades Amusement ParkWoodSit Down-
 Giant CoasterPalisades Amusement ParkWoodSit Down-
 Wild MousePalisades Amusement ParkWoodSit Down-
 Love BugsPalisades Amusement ParkSteelSit DownRelocated
 Broadway TripPalisades Amusement ParkSteelSit DownRelocated
 Jet StarPalisades Amusement ParkSteelSit Down-
 WildcatPalisades Amusement ParkSteelSit DownRelocated
 Giant CoasterPalisades Amusement ParkWoodSit Down-
 Virginia ReelPalisades Amusement ParkWoodSit Down--
 CyclonePalisades Amusement ParkWoodSit Down-
 Scenic RailwayPanama-Pacific International ExpositionWoodSit DownRelocated
 Racing CoasterPanama-Pacific International ExpositionWoodSit DownRelocated
 Bowls of JoyPanama-Pacific International ExpositionWoodSit Down-
 Loop de Loop RailwayPan-American ExpositionSteelSit Down-

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