Search Results

Criteria:Company = Senyo Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Roller Coasters
Sorted By:Amusement Park
Roller CoasterAmusement ParkTypeDesignStatusOpened
 Dragon Coaster'87 Future Tohoku ExpositionSteelSit Down-
 Dragon'88 Saitama ExpoSteelSit DownRelocated
Wild MouseAntibes LandSteelSit DownOperating
Fujin Raijin IIExpolandSteelStand Up-
Wild MouseExpolandSteelSit DownRelocated
Family CoasterExpolandSteelSit DownRelocated
 DragonFestivalgateSteelSit Down-
Milky WayGreenlandSteelStand UpOperating
Double Loop CoasterHangzhou ParadiseSteelSit Down-
 Fujin RaijinInternational Flower and Green ExpositionSteelStand UpRelocated
DragonMori no YuenchiSteelSit DownOperating
Family CoasterMother FarmSteelSit DownOperating
 Double Loop CoasterOriental ParkSteelSit DownRelocated
Family CoasterSea Train LandSteelSit DownOperating
 DragonSeikan Tunnel Opening Commemorative ExhibitionSteelSit Down-
Loop the LoopSendai HighlandSteelSit Down-
MonsterWalygator Grand EstSteelInvertedOperating
unknownWalygator Grand EstSteelSit DownRelocated-
 DragonWorld Design Exposition 1989SteelSit Down-
Spinning CoasterYokohama CosmoworldSteelSit DownOperating

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