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Criteria:Roller Coasters
Type = Steel
Found:10533 (Page 99 of 439)
Sorted By:Roller Coaster
Roller CoasterAmusement ParkDesignStatusOpened
Fforest CoasterZip World FforestSit DownOperating
Fianna ForceEmerald ParkInvertedOperating
Field RunnerSky Ranch PampangaSit DownOperating
Fiesta ExpressWild AdventuresSit DownRelocated
Fiesta ExpressFun Fore All Family Entertainment CenterSit DownOperating
Fiesta ExpressLegoland FloridaSit DownRelocated
Fiesta ExpressMe WorldSit DownRelocated
Fiesta ExpressGorky ParkSit DownRelocated
Fiesta ExpressGillian's FunLandSit DownRelocated
Fiesta ExpressGillian's Wonderland PierSit DownRelocated
Fiesta ExpressSould ParkSit DownRelocated -
Fiesta ExpressAustin's ParkSit DownOperating
Fiesta ExpressGumo LandSit DownOperating -
Fiesta ExpressSuvorov ParkSit DownOperating
Fiesta ExpressFestilandiaSit DownOperating
Fighter JetFanta Park Glorious OrientSit DownOperating
Fighter JetFanta Park Glorious OrientSit DownOperating
Fighter JetGlorious Orient Sit DownOperating
 Figure of EightBrean Theme ParkSit Down-
Fils du DragonJardin d'AcclimatationSit DownOperating
Fiorano GT ChallengeFerrari World Abu DhabiSit DownOperating
FireballFuruvikSit DownOperating
FireballAdventurelandSit DownOperating
FirebirdSix Flags AmericaSit DownOperating

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