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Criteria:Design = Suspended
Roller Coasters
Current Status = Operating
Type = Steel
Found:72 (Page 1 of 3)
Sorted By:Roller Coaster
Roller CoasterAmusement ParkOpened
Aero 5Benyland
Air PogoAdventure Island
BatKings Island
BatflyerNasu Highland Park
 Bat GliderTrans Studio Bali
Bat GliderTrans Studio Cibubur
Big TopOriental Heritage
BoderittErlebniswelt Seilbahnen Thale
Buffalo HuntFort Hays Chuckwagon
Canopy FlyerUniversal Studios Singapore
Desert TwisterVinWonders
Dragon Roller CoasterEnergylandia
Eagle Soar GliderVinWonders
Eagle WarriorVinWonders
Family CoasterChildren's Grand Park
Family Roller CoasterBeijing Shijingshan Amusement Park
Fire MountainFantawild Dino Kingdom
Flight of the PterosaurPaultons Park
Fly di Ragga MuffinMystic Mountain Jamaica
Flying RaidersJin Jiang Action Park
Fly with FlapQuest
Freedom FlyerFun Spot America

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