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Criteria:Element = Chain Lift Hill
Roller Coasters
Found:3363 (Page 21 of 141)
Sorted By:Roller Coaster
Roller CoasterAmusement ParkTypeDesignStatusOpened
Cork ScrewBenylandSteelSit DownOperating
CorkscrewSpanish City Amusement ParkSteelSit DownRelocated
CorkscrewItal ParkSteelSit DownRelocated
 CorkscrewYatsu YuenchiSteelSit DownRelocated
CorkscrewNagashima Spa LandSteelSit DownOperating
Corkscrew CoasterRainbow's EndSteelSit DownOperating
Cornball ExpressIndiana BeachWoodSit DownOperating
Corona Cobra CoasterFantasy Forest at the Flushing Meadows CarouselSteelSit DownOperating
Corsair CoasterSokolniki ParkSteelSit DownOperating -
Cortina BobWiener PraterSteelSit DownRelocated
Cosmic CaterpillarThe Milky Way Adventure ParkSteelSit DownOperating
Cosmic CoasterWorlds of FunSteelSit DownOperating
Cosmic TyphoonThe Milky Way Adventure ParkSteelSit DownOperating
Counter Culture CaterpillarDreamlandSteelSit DownRelocated
Crash TestOcean Beach Pleasure ParkSteelSit DownRelocated
Crash TestOcean Beach Pleasure ParkSteelSit Down-
Crazy BatsPhantasialandSteelSit DownOperating
Crazy BirdHappy ValleySteelSit DownOperating
Crazy CaterpillarFun LandSteelSit DownRelocated
Crazy CaterpillarSandwell Valley AmusementsSteelSit DownOperating
Crazy CaterpillarPettitts Animal Adventure ParkSteelSit DownOperating
 Crazy CoasterLuna ParkSteelSit Down-
Crazy CoasterPlopsaland De PanneSteelSit DownRelocated
Crazy CoasterHalmstad ÄventyrslandSteelSit DownRelocated

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