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Roller Coasters
Found:138 (Page 1 of 6)
Sorted By:Roller Coaster
Roller CoasterAmusement ParkTypeDesignStatusOpened
Adventure CoasterOdakyu Mukogaoka YuenSteelSit Down-
Adventure ExpressKings IslandSteelSit DownOperating
AlpengeistBusch Gardens WilliamsburgSteelInvertedOperating
AnacondaKings DominionSteelSit Down-
BalderLisebergWoodSit DownOperating
Baron 1898EftelingSteelSit DownOperating
BeastKings IslandWoodSit DownOperating
Big Bad JohnMagic Springs Theme and Water ParkSteelSit DownOperating
Big DipperCamden ParkWoodSit DownOperating
Big OnePleasure Beach ResortSteelSit DownOperating
Big Thunder MountainDisneyland Paris - Disneyland ParkSteelSit DownSBNO
Black Hole ExpressKumdori LandSteelSit DownRelocated
Blue StreakConneaut Lake ParkWoodSit Down-
BobbahnHeide Park ResortSteelBobsledOperating
BobsledYokohama DreamlandSteelSit Down-
Carolina GoldrusherCarowindsSteelSit DownOperating
Circuit BreakerCotalandSteelSit DownUnder Construction
Columbia Double Loop CoasterSeoul LandSteelSit DownOperating
 CometForest Park Highlands Amusement ParkWoodSit Down-
Cú ChulainnEmerald ParkWoodSit DownOperating
CycloneToshimaenSteelSit Down-
Dahlonega Mine TrainSix Flags Over GeorgiaSteelSit DownOperating
Delphis the CoasterFestivalgateSteelSit Down-
DemonCalifornia's Great AmericaSteelSit DownOperating

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