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Roller Coasters
Found:172 (Page 1 of 8)
Sorted By:Roller Coaster
Roller CoasterAmusement ParkTypeDesignStatusOpened
Air PogoAdventure IslandSteelSuspendedOperating
Alpen BlitzQueens LandSteelSit DownOperating
Aqua DiveEsselWorldSteelSit DownSBNO
Aqua DiveCrystal WorldSteelSit DownOperating
Aqua ShootFuncitySteelSit DownOperating
Astro ExpressFun CitySteelSit DownOperating
AtlantaFun WorldSteelSit Down- -
Batwing CoasterAatapi WonderlandSteelSit DownOperating
Bheem The BomerangAatapi WonderlandSteelSit DownOperating
Big AppleEsselWorldSteelSit DownSBNO
 Big AppleSurya FuncitySteelSit DownOperating
 Boomerang Roller CoasterAmrapali FunlandSteelSit DownOperating
Caterpillar CoasterWonderla Amusement Park KochiSteelSit DownOperating
Caterpillar TrainWonderla Amusement Park KochiSteelSit Down-
Chhota Bheem The RideImagicaaSteelSit DownOperating
CycloneNicco ParkWoodSit DownOperating
 Davna CustarSplash the Fun WorldSteelSit DownOperating -
Deep SpaceImagicaaSteelSit DownOperating
 DragonFun WorldSteelSit DownOperating
DragonBlack ThunderSteelSit Down-
 Dragon CoasterSilver Storm Water Theme ParkSteelSit Down-
 Dragon CoasterMGM Selvee WorldSteelSit Down- -
Dragon CoasterFun ValleySteelSit DownOperating
Dragon CoasterKishkinta Theme ParkSteelSit Down-

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