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Criteria:Roller Coasters
Type = Steel
Found:10520 (Page 332 of 439)
Sorted By:Amusement Park
Roller CoasterAmusement ParkDesignStatusOpened
CatarinaSelva MágicaSit Down-
JubiléSelva MágicaSit DownOperating
BulletSelva MágicaSit DownOperating
 Jungle CoasterSelvatica - The Adventure TribeSit DownSBNO
 Antimatter MoveSenbo Interstellar PlaceSit DownOperating
Loop the LoopSendai HighlandSit Down-
Hurricane CoasterSendai HighlandSit Down-
Mad MouseSendai HighlandSit Down-
DragonSendai HighlandSit DownRelocated
BobsleighSendavivaSit DownOperating
 unknownSengguanfeng Scenic AreaSit DownOperating
Green CoasterSenkoji ParkSit Down-
Rudolph CoasterSeongjigok LandSit DownRelocated-
Columbia Double Loop CoasterSeoul LandSit DownOperating
Black Hole 2000Seoul LandSit DownOperating
Tobot TrainSeoul LandSit DownOperating
Tikitoc TrainSeoul LandSit DownOperating
Crazy MouseSeoul LandSit DownOperating
 CyclonSerena AventuraSit DownOperating -
 Spinning CoasterSerena AventuraSit DownOperating -
 Gusanito LocoSerena AventuraSit DownOperating
 Tren MineroSerena AventuraSit DownOperating
Chura RacerSerengeti-ParkSit Down-
 WildcatSerengeti-ParkSit Down-

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