Record Holders

RankHeightRoller CoasterAmusement Park (Location)Opened
1st252.6 ftHyperion
Energylandia (Zator, Małopolskie, Poland)

2nd206 ftZadra
Energylandia (Zator, Małopolskie, Poland)

3rd164 ftSpeed
Energylandia (Zator, Małopolskie, Poland)

4th131.3 ftLech Coaster
Legendia Śląskie Wesołe Miasteczko (Chorzów, Śląskie, Poland)

5th126.3 ftAbyssus
Energylandia (Zator, Małopolskie, Poland)

6th109.3 ftRoller Coaster Mayan
Energylandia (Zator, Małopolskie, Poland)

7th81.4 ftFormuła
Energylandia (Zator, Małopolskie, Poland)

8th79.4 ftLight Explorers
Energylandia (Zator, Małopolskie, Poland)

9th75.5 ftBoomerang
Energylandia (Zator, Małopolskie, Poland)

*75.5 ftunknown
Mandoria (Rzgów, Łódzkie, Poland)

10th72.2 ftWerewolf
Majaland Kownaty (Torzym, Lubuskie, Poland)

*Rankings are not assigned to roller coasters that are not currently operating.

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