
Height141.1 ft


Arrangement2 trains with 4 cars per train. Riders are arranged 4 across in a single row for a total of 16 riders per train.


Capacity800 riders per hour


In an interview with Parcs & Loisirs Magazine, the park's CEO Rodolphe Gélis talked about this roller coaster being added for 2026. It is mentioned that the ride will have two launches as well as inversions. This will make it the park's only coaster with inversions but not the first. Nigloland has had an inverting coaster before with Bat Coaster.
The French TV station TF1 ran a story on the success of Nigloland in their tv show 'Sept à huit Life'. The story also features interviews with the park's founders Patrick & Philippe Gélis, as well as Rodolphe Gélis, the current park manager and son of Philippe Gélis. Nigloland is in 2022 the 5th most visited park in France with about 760,000 visitors. The park wants to grow and compete with large players like Disneyland Paris - Disneyland Park as well as Parc Astérix and aims to pass the 1 million visitor mark in 2030. The video shows the park owners mentioning a new roller coaster investment to help achieve this goal. Little information is being given but short sections of on onride animation show a Stryker Coaster type ride by Mack Rides GmbH & Co KG featuring 16 seat trains like the ones on Voltron at Europa Park. The choice for Mack Rides GmbH & Co KG would be a safe bet since all of the other roller coasters at Nigloland were (partially) made by Mack Rides GmbH & Co KG. The information given about the coaster is that it will feature at least one inversion, it will be located around the lake on which runs the King of Mississippi boat ride, it will have a capacity of 850 pph, it will have a budget of around 15 - 16 million Euros and that it will take at least 4 years before opening (2026-27).
In an interview with Le Parisien, the park's CEO Rodolphe Gélis confirms again the arrival of a roller coaster for 2026. It will be 43 m high, will feature 2 launches and feature 16-seat trains for a capacity of 800 pph. Ride duration will be around 1 minute.


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