Operating Roller Coasters: 1

SerpentSteelSit DownExtreme

Defunct Roller Coasters: 1

Montagne RusseSteelSit DownThrill - -


Former statusSBNO from ? to
Operated from ≤ to ≤


Park drawings and a billboard seen on December 30th, 2014 show a purple colored family roller coaster. It appears, at least for now; this roller coaster will not be built.

Owner / Operator

The reopening of Parc Sindibad is the result of a French-Moroccan joint-venture. While several companies were involved, only Compagnie des Alpes is a known amusement park operator and the others are thought to be simply financial investors. The park carries the small tag line "by Walibi".

Operating schedule

The history prior to Sindibad's 2015 rebuild and reopening is not clear. Satellite imagery from May 25th, 2000 shows a well established park. Imagery from May 11th 2001 shows the arrival of new rides including the roller coaster. Some of these new rides replaced prior rides -- suggesting the park was operational during this time. A September 19th, 2014 story by the Morocco World News discussing the park's upcoming 2015 reopening states the park originally opened in 2006. A coaster enthusiast's report from May 13th, 2007 stated the park was operating, but only the kiddie rides. A YouTube video uploaded on February 10th, 2010 appears to be a news report and has the Arabic title of "فضيحة حديقة سندباد بالدار البيضاء" or "Sinbad Park scandal in Casablanca" in English. The video contains many clips of a closed park. An October 10th, 2011 photo report by Stefan Zwanzger shows the park abandoned and with rides in poor shape such as a collapsing ferris wheel.


Road Maps

Aerial Imagery



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