Douglas Park Amusements

520 S Bowman Ave
Danville, Illinois, United States

Defunct, Operated from ≤ to ?

Defunct Roller Coasters: 1

Little DipperSteelSit DownKiddie


This entry was previously listed as "Fairgrounds Park" with a 1950 Allan Herschell Little Dipper. The source of this information has been lost.  A short column in the June 13th, 1953 Billboard reads: "DANVILLE, June 6. - Ride operator Earl Anderson has opened a string of five rides at city -owned Douglas park here. New this season is a kiddie train, built by the Miniature Train Company. Other rides include a Merry -Go- Round, Autos, Boats and Allan Herschell Little Dipper. Anderson has had the location for several seasons."  It is thought the previous "Fairgrounds Park" entry was referring to this park and roller coaster.


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