


The July 18th, 1990 auction flyer from Joe Maas International, Inc. identifies this roller coaster as "Roller coaster with 3 Allen Herschell cars". Besides the incorrect spelling of "Allan", the wording could be suggesting only the cars were by Allan Herschell. A corresponding photo shows the chain lift hill followed by a large gradual downward slope of track -- without a traditional drop. This unusual layout might also suggest the track was not by Allan Herschell as it would be a never before seen layout if it were.  The photo did not show the train.  While the track was of the same design Allan Herschell used, but the supports were unique.  In addition, provided the photo was not inadvertently reversed, this roller coaster travels clockwise while all other Allan Herschell Little Dipper models travel counter clockwise.
In another photo seen of this roller coaster the train had only two cars, versus three as a standard Allan Herschell has and as the auction flyer stated.


Yellow (top) and red (bottom) two-tone cars. Dark track with light supports.


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