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Criteria:Location = Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Roller Coasters
Sorted By:Roller Coaster
Roller CoasterAmusement ParkTypeDesignStatusOpened
Baz Coaster RideIsland of LegendsSteelSit DownOperating
Dragon Mini TrainAl QasbaSteelSit DownRelocated -
Dragon Mini TrainAl QasbaSteelSit DownOperating -
Family RideAl Shaab VillageSteelSit DownOperating
Forest TrainAdventurelandSteelSit DownOperating
Iceland Roller CoasterFoton WorldSteelSit Down-
KukulcanAdventurelandSteelSit DownOperating
Mine Train CoasterMagic PlanetSteelSit DownOperating
Mini CanyonAl QasbaSteelSit Down-
Rocket CyclesAdventurelandSteelSit DownOperating
Thunder MountainAntic's LandSteelSit DownOperating
Worm TrainIsland of LegendsSteelSit Down-

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