Name | Red | Blue |
Length | 3,935.0 ft | 3,935.0 ft |
Height | 125.3 ft | 125.3 ft |
Drop | 118.0 ft | 118.0 ft |
Speed | 60.0 mph | 60.0 mph |
Inversions | 0 | 0 |
Vertical Angle | 55.0° | 55.0° |
Duration | 2:20 | 2:20 |
Elements | Chain Lift Hill | Chain Lift Hill |
Arrangement | 4 trains with 5 cars per train. Riders are arranged 2 across in 3 rows for a total of 30 riders per train. |
Restraints |
Cost | $3,400,000 |
Capacity | 3,300 riders per hour |
Designer |
While the Gemini originally had 6 trains, only 4 appear to be present and in use today. |