Length | 5,383.0 ft |
Height | 122.0 ft |
Speed | 57.0 mph |
Inversions | 0 |
Vertical Angle | 53.3° |
Duration | 2:30 |
Elements | 122.0 ft tall Chain Lift Hill 100.0 ft tall Hill 95.0 ft tall Hill Helix |
Arrangement | 2 trains with 6 cars per train. Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 24 riders per train. |
Restraints | |
Built by | Philadelphia Toboggan Coasters, Inc. |
Cost | $4,500,000 |
The Shivering Timbers was built with a Harry G Traver inspired "Trick Track" but it was later removed. |