
Length1919.3 ft
Height62.3 ft
ElementsBooster Wheel Lift Hill
Booster Wheel Lift Hill
Booster Wheel Lift Hill


Arrangement4 cars per train. Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 16 riders per train.


Former namesDemon Slayer: Kimtetsu (≤ to ≤ )
Dark Horror Ride Sadako's Curse (≤ to ?)
Doraemon XR Ride: Nobita's Sky Utopia (Japanese: ドラえもん XRライド のび太と空の理想郷 ユートピア) ( to ≤ )
Space Fantasy The Ride (Japanese: スペース・ファンタジー・ザ・ライド) ( to ≤ )
Stand By Me Doraemon 2 (Japanese: Stand By Me ドラえもん 2) ( to )
Space Fantasy The Ride (Japanese: スペース・ファンタジー・ザ・ライド) ( to )
Lupin The Third - Car Chase Ride (Japanese: ルパン三世) ( to )
Evangelion XR: 1.01 (Japanese: エヴァンゲリオン XR: 1.01) ( to )
Final Fantasy XR ( to )
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu XR Ride (Japanese: きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅXRライド)
Evangelion XR Ride (Japanese: エヴァンゲリオン XRライド)
Space Fantasy The Ride (Japanese: スペース・ファンタジー・ザ・ライド) (≥ to ?)


Doraemon is a Japanese Manga series.
It was once said the ride would be rethemed and become "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory XR Ride" (Japanese: チャーリーとチョコレート工場のXRライド) starting in January 2021. This change does not appear to have happened and the ride reverted to "Space Fantasy The Ride" once again at that time.


At least during the Evangelion XR: 1.01 and Doraemon XR Ride: experiences, the spinning cars do not spin and only the forward facing seats are used so the VR experience is correct.


Aerial Imagery


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